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Indiegogo Campaign: Help Us Open Our First Store"

Cookie by cookie, tile by tile, we’re building the first physical Pinckney Cookie Cafe store! And we need your help — as a small business, community support is essential for us to take the next step. Your contribution to our Indiegogo campaign will help us complete construction (including cabinetry, flooring, installing tiles, lighting etc.) buy equipment, hire staff, create new cookie flavors, and support our community. Help us reach $55,000!

Button - Support us here!

You know we love a treat, and your donations come with plenty of perks! Mugs, aprons, gift cards, T-shirts — and even a tile with your name on it permanently installed in our store. Want to see more?

Not able to donate right now? Please share our posts on Instagram and Facebook, email our Indiegogo page to friends and family, and help us spread the word!

Button - Support us here!


Double Chocolate Espresso Cookies with coffee and packaged cookies in background and coffee beans in foreground

Opening the first physical store has been our founder, Michael’s, dream. When he began Pinckney Cookie Cafe in 2009 after seeing how much joy cookies could bring people, it wasn't long before he imagined a place people could gather every day.

Curious about what to expect? (Don’t worry: we’ll still be at Seattle area farmers markets!)

We’ll feature goodies from: 

Anything you can do to spread the word makes a huge difference! Share our posts on Instagram and Facebook to promote the Pinckney Cookie Cafe love, let your friends and family know about our Indiegogo effort, come say hi at the farmers market, and help us open our doors!

 Button - Donate now!